
Showing posts with the label Moral Ethics

Respect your teachers!

Teachers or Gurus play a very crucial role in everyone's life. In the Hindu religion, Gurus are reversed as God. The word Guru can be defined as, "Gu" means darkness, "Ru" means light, "GURU" finally means, " The one who brings you from darkness to light".  So, we can say that a Guru is a person who brings you from darkness to light even when everyone else fails to do so. They are the one who tolerates our silly mistakes and helped us to grow as a whole. There are many times our teachers have helped us other than studies as well. Remember that time, When you failed to understand something and the teacher took extra time to teach you the same, When you didn't believe in yourself but they did and they supported you and motivated you to go ahead and take some difficult steps for your better future, When you were stressing about your exam and they relaxed you at the end moment so that you don't spoil everything, When you fumbled in a pres...